Judas 3:

Geliebte, da ich allen Fleiß anwandte, euch über unser gemeinsames Heil zu schreiben, war ich genötigt, euch zu schreiben und zu ermahnen, für den ein für alle Mal den Heiligen überlieferten Glauben zu kämpfen.


Offb. 19: 6, 7:

Und ich hörte etwas wie eine Stimme einer großen Volksmenge und wie ein Rauschen vieler Wasser und wie ein Rollen starker Donner, die sprachen: Halleluja! Denn der Herr, unser Gott, der Allmächtige, hat die Herrschaft angetreten. Lasst uns fröhlich sein und jubeln und ihm die Ehre geben; denn die Hochzeit des Lammes ist gekommen, und seine Frau hat sich bereitgemacht.


E 10, xxiv:

Hence this Scripture proves that, generally speaking, Jesus as God’s Mouthpiece, and thus the exclusive Interpreter of the Word, would use in the end of this Age the Parousia and Epiphany Messengers as antitypical Aaron, generally speaking, to interpret to the brethren the Word as due, especially on new doctrines, prophecies and types. And any attempt of others to unravel these three things as new matters would be the prohibited gazing—speculation—of Ex. 19: 21-25, and would meet with a cutting off from their standing, if not stopped.

... all the brethren, except the star-members, are forbidden direct Biblical study on new doctrines, types and prophecy, which is “gazing” for them.


E 11, 368, 369:

Now follow some charges (2 Moses 20: 23-26) given during the Parousia and Epiphany. The Lord has during these periods been charging both His Parousia and Epiphany people and by them prospectively His Millennial people not to make as serviceable to God creed idols (not make with me gods, 23), even though seemingly true (of silver) and seemingly Divine (of gold). This was a prohibition to brethren now inventing new teachings as true and from God, a prohibition which the six classes of sifters and others have disregarded. It impliedly charges that the teachings that God gives by Jesus be held, and no others. Millennially, this would prohibit the people's inventing "new light," and charge them to accept God's teachings by The Christ, through the Ancient and Youthful Worthies.


E 11, 495, 496:

None of these brothers were the first to see new doctrines, which under Jesus is the exclusive privilege of star-members. As non-star-member scribes instructed unto the Kingdom of God, they have been privileged to find new confirmations of doctrines previously made known by Jesus to His star-members.


E 5, 228, 229:

Why, then, does the type not only fail to point this out, but even omit all mention of the types of the three Great Company groups as having anything to do with the capture and slaying of antitypical Oreb and Zeeb? We answer this question as follows: The Lord counts as overcomers of false doctrines and practices only those who first in their own characters overcome the disposition underlying such doctrines and practices. That this is correct we can see from the fact that only the 144,000 are counted victors over the Beast and his Image (Rev. 15: 2; 20: 4), though, as we know, the Truth section of the Great Company opposed the Beast and his Image, but because they are not more than overcomers of certain characteristics of the Beast and his Image, God does not count them overcomers of these, however much they verbally preach and zealously work against them (Rev. 19: 1-3). Hence it is because the three Truth groups of the Great Company have practiced Sectarianism and Clericalism as among the main forms that their Revolutionism, manifesting their Leviteship, have assumed, their battling against Nominal Church Sectarianism and Clericalism is not accounted by God as overcoming these prince errors. Hence the type very properly contains no representation of their activity against Sectarianism and Clericalism. On the other hand, from the type we infer that the Youthful Worthies overcome in their own characters the spirit of Sectarianism and Clericalism, and are thus privileged to have their verbal battling against the prince errors of antitypical Midian accounted as their capturing and executing them. This consideration should arouse the Great Company to cleanse themselves of these evil qualities, that their work against Nominal Church errors may receive the Lord's approval as that of victors.


E 7, 138:

Nor are they [the Great Company] to seek to discover "new light" and spread it before the Church, as this would be attempting to go into the Holy, from which they have been excluded, and would result in their offering strange fire, as the Society, P.B.I. and other leaders have done in Vol. VII, "The Tower," The Herald Of The Kingdom, the Penny Parable tract, etc. Let the antitypical Levites perform Levitical work in connection with their "Chariot" services, but not hinder these Priests in their exclusive work connected with the altar. (4. Mose 18,2-3)


E 7, 186:

It is singular to those only who, failing to realize that all the Great Company leaders, as graspers for power and lords over God's heritage, have the same spirit, and, like their kindred-spirited brethren, prominent in the nominal Church (Lot seated at Sodom's gate, place of prominence, Gen. 19: 1) all through the Gospel Age, when their power was threatened, have found fault with the faithful shepherds of God's flock (Abraham's shepherds found fault with by Lot's shepherds, Gen. 13: 5-13), and persecuted them because of their interfering with their selfish plans and works against God's Little Flock.


Epiphany Bible Students NO. 260:

Another ‘manifester’ was at the Jacksonville, Florida, Convention in 1955 (February, see NO. 8). RGJ was specifically asked at that time, Did Brother Johnson ever withdraw brotherly fellowship from you? His answer was an emphatic No! That was indeed the Truth! As long as Brother Johnson was with us he never withdrew brotherly fellowship from RGJ; he always gave him brotherly help, although he did withdraw priestly fellowship from him. So it is very clear now that ‘brotherly’ fellowship as distinct from ‘priestly’ fellowship, was never withdrawn from RGJ during Brother Johnson’s lifetime. As all brethren in the LHMM know, ‘priestly’ fellowship was withdrawn from RGJ when he openly manifested himself as a crown‑loser in 1938 – and we know, too, that Brother Johnson continued to give him brotherly fellowship and help after that.

The last resort of the abandonment procedure, which all crown‑losers must receive before they can get their cleansing, is to have brotherly fellowship and favor withdrawn from them.


E 6, 364:

... sacrificing the Lord's Goat is a totally different thing from leading forth Azazel's Goat to the gate and to the fit man and delivering him to Azazel. How do we lead it to the gate? By resisting its revolutionism. How do we deliver it to the fit man? By withdrawing Priestly fellowship. How do we deliver it to Azazel? By withdrawing all brotherly help and favor.


E 15, 525:

As in none of the Great Company do these two forms of the rod prove sufficient fully to free their Holy Spirit from the bondage of developed worldliness, selfishness, error and sin,… the Lord resorts to a second set of untoward experiences,…He delivers them over to Satan,… for the destruction of the flesh,… Their delivery to Satan implies that they come into such a condition as the priests disfellowship them, and thus withdraw all brotherly help and favor from them.


Epiphany Bible Students NO. 170:

All brethren familiar with Epiphany Truth know of the teaching in E-15:525, that ALL crown-losers (the best of them as well as the worst of them) must be abandoned to Azazel before they can be cleansed, and that they would be led astray during their abandonment – some more and some less; and that they would then go into devious errors “cast the unprofitable servant (the Great Company) into outer darkness” – error (Matt. 25:30 – See Berean Comment) – and be given “strong delusion” (2 Thes. 2:11 – See Be­rean Comment).


E 16, 125:

Their [the crown‑losers] falling into Azazel’s hands follows quickly upon the Priesthood’s withdrawal of all brotherly help and favor; and in his hands they are being led into such excesses of revolutionism as will eventually make it undeniable even by themselves that they have been wrong in their whole course.


E 4, 146, 147:

Almost all of the just-mentioned kinds of crown-losers died without getting the meat in due season, and would thus have gone into the second death, if as a part of their cleansing God had required them to get rid in this life of their errors and accept the Truth due in their times. Hence for the saving of their lives God has required of them merely to cleanse themselves in this life from the spots on their garments consisting of sin, selfishness and worldliness. The time of the cleansing of such from error and of their getting the Truth as due will be after their resurrection as spirits (Rev. 7: 17). This view of the twofold cleansing of such crown-losers is necessary, or we would have to conclude that all crown-losers who did not in this life get the cleansing of both sets of evils above-mentioned died the second death, which would put the vast bulk of these into the second death.

But the case will be different with the class cleansing of the crown-losers, which is to set in shortly after the 60th Epiphany post is erected. They will have to cleanse themselves from their errors and accept the Parousia and Epiphany Truth, as well as overcome their sins, selfishness and worldliness. That they will have to overcome their errors in this life is evident from the fact that, until their cleansing from both sets of evils shall have made at least a large beginning, they will not be able to minister to the Priests (Num. 8: 7, 21, first and second clauses, 22, 13-19).


[Kommentar zum letzten Absatz: es kam nicht mehr dazu, dass die Große Schar als Klasse den Priestern diente, solange die Priester noch auf der Erde waren, denn erst als der letzte Priester starb, wurden die Glieder der Großen Schar, die in der LHMM waren, dem Satan überliefert (siehe Epiphany Bible Students NO. 260 und E 15, 525; E 16, 125). Offensichtlich diente die Große Schar den Priestern erst nach ihrer Auferweckung, so wie es in Offb. 7: 15-17 beschrieben ist.]


E 10, 646:

From what J. observed at that [time = December 1937] and other times and from what he knew from the Samson, Job and Joseph types and the medium Miniature, J. told the ecclesia that many of its new creatures were Levites; and it was this reason, after the three brothers [R.G. Jolly, E.F. Hochbaum and S.B. Calhoon] recognized, and asked for forgiveness of, their wrong, that J. recommended the three to be invited to serve the ecclesia, not as elders, but as guest leaders. It is, therefore, among the equipment of antitypical Benjamin that the Lord’s mouthpiece has been ever since mid-summer of 1918, and this is proven by the fact that antitypical Benjamin has all along since then had the Epiphany Truth, which it has gotten by accepting J. as its general teacher as the Epiphany messenger (1. Mose 44: 12).
J. did not announce to the brethren outside of Philadelphia that the three above-mentioned brothers were manifested Levites; rather when asked by extra-Philadelphia brethren who had heard of it, from gossips of course, he evaded the question, neither denying nor affirming it, because he desired to shield especially R.G. Jolly until the time would come to announce the entire group of Epiphany crown-losers as Levites.


[Kommentar: die Manifestation der ganzen Gruppe der Epiphania-Kronen-Verlierer als Leviten geschah erst durch den Tod von Pastor Johnson und durch den Revolutionismus dieser Leviten sofort danach (siehe nächstes Zitat). Die Versöhnung von Josef mit seinen Brüdern und die Ausstattung Benjamins mit dreihundert Silberschekel und fünf Wechselkleider geschach offensichtlich erst nach der Auferstehung aller Glieder der Großen Schar (1. Mose 45). Siehe auch Josef wird nach Ägypten verkauft]


PT '50, 194 (PTQB 1397):

Question (1950)—Since there are no priests left in the earth, who should do the voting and who should
be eligible to serve as elders, deacons, etc., in the ecclesias?
Answer.—Of one thing we may be certain: since there are now no priests left in the earth, naturally there can no longer be priestly classes, with candidates to the priesthood exercising the exclusive right to vote as expressing the mind of the Head as members of His Body. As an illustration of a proper method of procedure, when the Philadelphia Ecclesia learned that the last priest had passed the veil, at their next business meeting, after the usual reading and adoption of the minutes, treasurer’s report, Volunteer Captain’s report, etc., it was moved and seconded and unanimously carried that the ones who heretofore had held the exclusive right to vote, as candidates for the priesthood, now relinquish that right. Up to this point only those accustomed to do the voting had made or seconded motions or voted. And now one of these moved that all the consecrated in harmony with the Laymen’s Home Missionary Movement and the Epiphany Truth now have a right to vote in the Philadelphia Ecclesia. Another of these seconded the motion, and all the consecrated present voted favorably on this motion.


PT ’51, 140 (PTQB 556):

The Epiphany Messenger recognized the bulk of the Epiphany brethren to be crown-losers, the Benjamin class of Gen. 49: 27 (P. ’42, p. 15). If they now rebel against the Epiphany Messenger and his teachings, they are really rebelling against the Lord and are in danger of losing their standing before Him as good Levites and as among His choice Bridesmaids.


[Kommentar: diese Rebellion der Benjamin-Klasse geschah tatsächlich nach dem Tod von Pastor Johnson. Denn diese Klasse wurde erst dann in die Hände Azazels gegeben.

Die Sammlung der gegenbildlichen Miriam und ihr Weiterziehen mit dem Volk Israel nach Paran (welches das Königreich representiert) sollte erst nach der Reinigung aller Glieder der Großen Schar geschehen, und der darauf folgende Beginn des Bauens des Epiphanischen Lagers erst nach der Zerstörung Babylons (E 9, 155-156; PT ’51, 124 (PTQB 517))]



Weitere unerfüllte Voraussagen von Br. Johnson:

E 10, 509:
And while the medium Miniature as a whole is not yet due to be explained, it would not be out of place here briefly to expound J.’s part as its Samson in its last feature.


Thereafter the Lord’s people of all groups will rally to J., and will hold in honor his memory, and the work that he has done as the medium Miniature’s Samson.


E 10, 103:

But there are, as indicated above, two other Miniatures, the Medium Miniature, extending from the Summer of 1918 until well into the Winter of 1937-1938, and the Large Miniature, extending from Oct., 1914, to Oct., 1954. The Medium Miniature was set aside in God’s plan to manifest the good Levites, particularly in their leaders, which began in Dec., 1937. The Large Miniature has been set aside in God’s plan to manifest the nominal-church foolish virgins to themselves as such, by varied experiences culminating in their last group’s coming into the Truth during 1954-1956.


Diese Voraussage bezüglich der Großen Miniatur des Evangelium-Zeitalters hat sich auch nicht erfüllt. Die törichten Jungfrauen in den nominellen Kirchen wurden nicht offenbart und haben auch nicht die Wahrheit angenommen. Demnach muss eine andere Gruppe von Leviten bis 1954/56 offenbart worden sein, nämlich diejenigen der "Guten Leviten", die erst durch den Tod von Br. Johnson in die Hände Azazels vielen und nicht vor 1954/56 mit ihrer vollständigen Reinigung begonnen haben.   



Der göttliche Plan der Zeitalter
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